Healing Type 2 Diabetes: Cut Processed Carbohydrates

Shaun Waso
Diabetes | Low Carb | What To Eat

Diabetes is a disease the light of which has been shined on in recent years. With a plethora of diet books and diets, it’s hard for people to know where to begin healing type-2 diabetes. In this article, learn what diabetes is, what type-2 diabetes means, and why trying out a new diet can help you reverse your type-2 diabetes without the use of medication.

Introduction to Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar levels.

Processed carbohydrates are a major contributor to type 2 diabetes. They are quickly broken down into sugar, which raises blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, the body cannot produce enough insulin to keep them under control. Over time, this can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Cutting out processed carbohydrates can help to reverse type 2 diabetes. When blood sugar levels are lowered, the levels of insulin in the body can start to manage glucose levels in the blood again. This can help to improve glycemic control and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes.

If you consider healing type 2 diabetes, cutting out processed carbohydrates can be a valuable part of your treatment plan. You can talk to us to create a plan that is right for you.

Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, you know that managing your blood sugar levels can be a daily challenge. There are many factors that can affect your blood sugar, including the foods you eat.

One food that has been shown to have a significant impact on blood sugar levels is processed carbohydrates. Processed carbs are found in many common foods, such as bread, pasta, cereal, and baked goods. They are also often added to processed foods as a sweetener or thickener.

Studies have shown that eating processed carbs can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. This can be problematic for people with diabetes because it can lead to spikes in insulin levels and an increased risk for complications.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize the impact of processed carbs on your blood sugar. One simple way is to cut back on the number of processed carbs you eat. This means choosing natural, unprocessed animal and vegetable protein sources, avoiding sugary snacks and desserts, and reading labels carefully to check for hidden sources of processed carbs.

Another way to reduce the impact of processed carbs is to make sure you include other healthy foods in your diet as well. This includes plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. In addition, you may want to take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium husk or glucomannonic acid, to help moderate your blood sugar response. You can also assist in moderating the effect of processed carbs by exercising regularly and by taking care of other factors that impact blood sugar control, such as weight, stress levels, and sleep habits.

Eat Unprocessed Foods

Eating unprocessed foods is one of the best things you can do for your health. When you eat unprocessed foods, you are getting all of the nutrients that your body needs. These nutrients include vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Processed foods are often high in unhealthy ingredients like sugar. They can also contain harmful chemicals and preservatives. These ingredients can contribute to health problems like obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Eating unprocessed foods is one of the best ways to prevent these health problems. Unprocessed foods are typically lower in calories and unhealthy ingredients. They are also a great source of nutrients that your body needs for good health.

If you are interested in eating healthier, cutting out processed foods is a great place to start. Eating unprocessed foods will help you improve your overall health and may even help to prevent type 2 diabetes.


A new study has found that a low-carb diet may be an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK, found that a diet low in processed carbohydrates can help to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

The study involved a group of 26 participants with type 2 diabetes. Half of the group was put on a low-carb diet, while the other half continued to eat a standard diet. After 12 weeks, the researchers found that the participants on the low-carb diet had significantly lower blood sugar levels and improved insulin sensitivity.

While more research is needed to confirm these findings, they suggest that a low-carb diet may be an effective way of healing type 2 diabetes. If you are living with type 2 diabetes, speak to us about whether a low-carb diet may be right for you.

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